With most universities now insisting on the publishing of a journal article as a prerequisite for the attainment of a Doctoral degree, the knowledge of the intricacies of the publishing of journal articles in particular, and the publishing industry and its attendant processes generally, has become an imperative in South African Higher Education institutions. Ignorance is not an option!


How to write a journal article and get published from your MA/PhD thesis

So you have completed your Masters degree and PhD thesis?
So you have submitted and have passed?
So what happens to that thesis which you have worked on for two/three years?
What should happen to those findings embodied in your thesis/dissertation?


Writing for Scholarly Publishing Workshop

If you have completed your Masters/PhD studies and are interested in finding out how to disseminate your research findings, then this workshop is for you.

By the end of this workshop you should be knowledgeable about the following:

1. The publishing landscape in South Africa;
2. The academic and scholarly publishing landscape in South Africa;
3. The peer-review system and its aims;
4. The finances of book and journal publishing; and
5. How to write a journal article from a Masters/PhD thesis.
